30 gallon
10 gallon
A couple shots of the 2 fishtanks i've recently pu together over the last 5 days or so. Pictures suck... for the life of me i could not get any good shots =
I only like real plants and natural type settings, both tanks are alot clearer and brighter than pictured here I just could not seem to capture it correctly(i'll have to try again later). I love community tanks, no real aggressive type fish, not sure on some of the fish names i happened to get a real good deal on a bunch of fish in a pet store that was closing down, they told me if i could catch them i could have them.
The 10 gallon has
2 Kuhli loaches
2 ballon mollies
2 dalmation mollies
4 guppies
5 ghost shrimp
2 fire mollies (homer and bart) named by fletcher.
2 beta's
2 bleeding heart tetra's
2 sucker fish(not sure on the name)
2 catfishtype(not sure on the name)
30 gallon
2 beta's
1 gold gourami (5 inches long) (seen in the middle of the top photo)
3 rosey barbed tetra's (each about 3 inches long)
2 other type tetra's(not sure on the name)
2 catfishtype(name again)
2 blue dwarf gourami's
2 sucker fish